Saturday, May 24, 2008

My Book is Out

There is nothing more exciting for a writer than to publish that ever-elusive first book. Mine is finally out! Images of America: Bozeman (Arcadia Publishing 2008) is finally in bookstores. An ISBN number to finally call my own. The Pioneer Museum hosted my first book signing event which was quite the success. My partner in crime, Ann, the assistant director, made the whole process nothing short of wonderful. Nothing like that 15 minutes of fame.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

You gotta love kids

It's Mother's Day and my youngest, age 10, woke me up "Good morning, mom. Happy Mother's Day! Can you get me something to eat?" How perfect is that?

Today was also my debut as a Chronicle columnist on the Sunday Op/Ed page. I have to admit, it was quite exciting to see it really happen.